Join Us

To build connection across difference and stronger communities.

Join Us

To build connection across difference and stronger communities.

Why Join?

We’re here to connect, support and provide a collective voice for our members: joining Belong gives access to a network of experts, practitioners and peers all working to build social connection and cohesion across the UK.

  • Networking and events to build your professional network
  • Communities of practice to learn and connect
  • Training and mentoring tailored to your organisation and role
  • Support and guidance with research and evaluation of your social cohesion work to demonstrate effectiveness and best practice
  • Participate in high quality, academic-lead research
  • A collective voice to influence and inform central government

We’d love to hear from you and learn how Belong can support the work you do. Please contact us to discuss what membership could look like for your organisation; you can view indicative annual membership fees below.

Belong’s support, insights, guidance, and opportunities to learn and share, made a real difference to the success Bradford enjoyed as an Integration Area Pilot Area, and your research helped us to better evidence the real value of investments in social cohesion.

Barry Cusack Project Officer & Intercultural Cities Coordinator/Advisory Group Member, Bradford Council
Membership Benefits Connect
Associative Plan
Standard Plan
Advanced Plan
Belong Network Newsletter Info, opinion, and opportunities across the sector
Promote your work through our newsletter, website, and social channels
Events Including annual national conference, webinars, and roundtable events 10% Discount One Free Place Plus 50% discount
on further places
Two Free Places Plus 50% discount on
further places
Communities of Practice Build expertise and professional networks Two Free Places As required
Training Courses Included CPD accredited courses One Free Place Two Free Places
Resources Briefings and training materials via online Members Area
Policy and Influencing Participation in advisory groups and panels
Research Participation in Belong research projects
Consultancy Free hours per year plus further support at discounted rate
Bespoke Training Packages for your organisation Provided at discounted members rate
Civil Society Organisations including Charities Standard Member (Indicative Price) Advanced Member (Indicative Price)
Up to income of £150,000 per annum £60 per annum
£150,00- £300,00 income per annum £90 per annum
£300,000- £600,000 income per annum £120 per annum
£600,000- £1,000,000 income per annum £250 per annum £500 per annum
Turnover: £1-2 million turnover per annum £600 per annum £1,200 per annum
Over £2 million turnover £1,000 per annum £2,000 per annum
Local Authorities (by population) Standard Member (Indicative Price) Advanced Member (Indicative Price)
District and unitary authorities with a population less than 300,000 £2,000 per annum £3,000 per annum
Population between 300,000 and 750,000 £4,000 per annum £6,000 per annum
Population of 750,000- 1.5m (city) £7,000 per annum £10,500 per annum
City Region: Population 1.5m and over £10,000 per annum £15,000 per annum
Universities Standard Member (Indicative Price) Advanced Member (Indicative Price)
Universities £3,000 per annum £5,000 per annum
Housing Associations and Multi Academy Trusts Standard Member (Indicative Price) Advanced Member (Indicative Price)
Housing Associations and Multi Academy Trusts £2,000 per annum £3,000 per annum
Business and Corporate Members Standard Member (Indicative Price) Advanced Member (Indicative Price)
Business and Corporate Members £3,000 per annum £5,000 per annum

Contact Form

For all other membership enquiries, you can either reach out to us via email at, or using the contact form.