News & Events

The latest from the Belong Network

News & Events

The latest from the Belong Network

Latest News and Upcoming Events

Welcome to our News and Events page! Here, you’ll find the latest updates and exciting happenings from our community, keeping you informed and engaged.

Latest News

Shared Ground: Belong’s Skills Development Programme

Designed for professionals dedicated to preventing community tensions and fostering good relations.
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Belong Network and StreetGames Launch Project to Enhance Sport in Communities

Examples and advice on creating events to connect individuals and communities across divides.
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Free how-to guide: building community connection into your events

Examples and advice on creating events to connect individuals and communities across divides.
Latest News

King’s Birthday Honours List: Belong’s Chair and former Chief Executive both awarded OBEs

Belong are enormously proud that our Chair, Shalni Arora and former CEO, Jo Broadwood have been awarded OBEs in the King’s 2024 Birthday Honours List.
Latest News

Launch of Belonging In Britain: A Manifesto for Social Cohesion

Today (Thurs 30 May) Belong launches our Manifesto for Social Cohesion – a document setting out how the next Government can build stronger, more connected communities. 
Upcoming Event

Free how-to event: building community connection into your events

Belong Network will be hosting recipients of Spirit of 2012’s ‘Moments to Connect’ grants – who will share what it takes to create a successful event which contributes to social cohesion.