All Together Now: Meaningful mixing for a more integrated society

This report sets out the importance of social integration and describes the techniques and practices which The Challenge believes lie at the heart of creating positive and powerful social mixing experiences.

This report presents challenges faced in the UK when it comes to promoting social integration, and presents the organisation’s ‘Mixing in Motion’ model to creating an integrated society. It sets out three principles for those seeking to improve social connectivity and integration through social mixing, which are to: establish a socially mixed space; create active and intense mixing experiences; and foster sustainable bonds.

  • Contact Hypothesis
  • Contact Theory
  • Social Psychology

All Together Now: Meaningful mixing for a more integrated society

April 2018

Author: Richard Bell et al, Publisher: The Challenge

This report sets out the importance of social integration and describes the techniques and practices which The Challenge believes lie at the heart of creating positive and powerful social mixing experiences.