Calling out hatred and prejudice: a guide to communications, planning, audiences and messaging

This report was published in June 2019 by British Future, an independent think tank which engages people’s hopes and fears about integration and migration.

This report is a practical guide for those needing narratives and messages to successfully combat hate crime and prejudice. The booklet examines the different UK audiences anti-prejudice campaigns might want to reach, how to make messages resonate with these audiences, and learnings from successful approaches. The guide then goes on to detail five case studies of campaigns and communications that apply these learnings in practice.

  • Communication
  • Community Cohesion
  • Integration

Calling out hatred and prejudice: a guide to communications, planning, audiences and messaging

June 2019

Author: Steve Ballinger, Jill Rutter and Sunder Katwala, Publisher: British Future

This report was published in June 2019 by British Future, an independent think tank which engages people’s hopes and fears about integration and migration.