Causal Connections: Secondary Data Analyses of the Links Between Volunteering and Social Cohesion in the UK

This report presents findings from analyses of three large-scale surveys assessing the relationship between social cohesion and volunteering, and the factors that may encourage or hinder them. The three surveys cover a combined total of approximately 77,000 respondents and cover time periods from 2014-2021.
  • Kent
  • Social Cohesion
  • The Power of Connection

Causal Connections: Secondary Data Analyses of the Links Between Volunteering and Social Cohesion in the UK

July 2023

Author: Belong - The Cohesion and Integration Network by Professor Dominic Abrams, Dr Ben Davies, and Ms Zoe Horsham, University of Kent

This report presents findings from analyses of three large-scale surveys assessing the relationship between social cohesion and volunteering, and the factors that may encourage or hinder them. The three surveys cover a combined total of approximately 77,000 respondents and cover time periods from 2014-2021.