Kingdom United? Thirteen steps to tackle social segregation

In this report, the Social Integration Commission sets out thirteen principles that it believes should underpin a healthy and well-integrated society. Among them are that: every school should provide opportunities for their pupils to interact with children belonging to different ethnic groups and income backgrounds; businesses and public sector agencies employing recent migrants should take active steps to enable these workers to meet and mix with different groups of people; people living in diverse areas should be encouraged to get to know their neighbours.

Kingdom United? Thirteen steps to tackle social segregation

November 2014

Author: Social integration commission, Publisher: Social integration commission

In this report, the Social Integration Commission sets out thirteen principles that it believes should underpin a healthy and well-integrated society. Among them are that: every school should provide opportunities for their pupils to interact with children belonging to different ethnic groups and income backgrounds; businesses and public sector agencies employing recent migrants should take active steps to enable these workers to meet and mix with different groups of people; people living in diverse areas should be encouraged to get to know their neighbours.