Many rivers crossed: Britain’s attitudes to race and integration 50 years since ‘Rivers of Blood’
This report explores how race relations in the UK have changed since MP Enoch Powell made his anti-immigration speech in 1968. The report combines reflections from people in Wolverhampton and the West Midlands about the changes that have taken place in those fifty years, along with ‘State of the Nation’ findings about changing attitudes across the UK.

Many rivers crossed: Britain’s attitudes to race and integration 50 years since ‘Rivers of Blood’
April 2018
This report explores how race relations in the UK have changed since MP Enoch Powell made his anti-immigration speech in 1968. The report combines reflections from people in Wolverhampton and the West Midlands about the changes that have taken place in those fifty years, along with ‘State of the Nation’ findings about changing attitudes across the UK.