The Belong Network Library

Research and resources on social cohesion theory and best practice.

The Belong Network Library

Research and resources on social cohesion theory and best practice.

Welcome to the Belong Network Library

The Belong Library is free to access and brings together a wide range of online resources produced by the public, private and civil society sectors to build the evidence base around social cohesion.

It is regularly updated and includes:

  • measurement and evaluation frameworks,
  • ‘what works’ guides,
  • relevant research,
  • best practice sharing
  • training materials for small and large charities and other volunteer-involving sports and community organisations.

Please contact us if you are unable to find what you need – we’d be delighted to help.

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The Power of Participation: Our strategy 2024-28 December 2023

Author: The Young Foundation

The Young Foundation has launched a new five-year strategy at a time of great challenge and division, says their CEO, Helen Goulden – and they recommend that everyone in the UK should experience the power of participation to affect meaningful change.

One Team: How sport can build more connected communities webinar September 2023

This webinar took place on Thursday 21 September 2023 and brought together over 150 participants from sports and physical activity organisations across the country.

Building Connection: Exploring What Works August 2023

Author: The Cares Family

Building Connection: Exploring What Works explains the ten techniques that have helped The Cares Family charities bring together 26,000 older and younger people in London, Liverpool and Manchester over the past 12 years. It outlines why it takes time, skill, focus and intention to build meaningful social connection.

Contains Strong Language – A Guide to Talking About Racism July 2023

Author: Sanjiv Lingayah and Nina Kelly

Advocates and campaigners continue their work to shift the public conversation on racism and to build demand for serious action for anti-racism, race equity and racial justice. This guidance, informed by a ground breaking 20,000-person study of public thinking and feelings on ‘race’ and racism, supports this vital advocacy and campaigning effort.

Causal Connections: Secondary Data Analyses of the Links Between Volunteering and Social Cohesion in the UK July 2023

Author: Belong - The Cohesion and Integration Network by Professor Dominic Abrams, Dr Ben Davies, and Ms Zoe Horsham, University of Kent

This report presents findings from analyses of three large-scale surveys assessing the relationship between social cohesion and volunteering, and the factors that may encourage or hinder them. The three surveys cover a combined total of approximately 77,000 respondents and cover time periods from 2014-2021.

Stoking the Flames: The influence of tabloid press and government rhetoric on far-right anti-migrant engagement May 2023

Author: Hope Not Hate

Far-right anti-migrant activity has been sharply rising in recent years. This report by Hope Not Hate demonstrates how the far-right’s revived interest in immigration and asylum over recent years has piggybacked on mainstream anti-migrant rhetoric and hostile policy proposals.

It’s a no-brainer: Local authority funding for immigration legal advice in the UK May 2023

Author: Jo Wilding

‘It’s a no-brainer’ finds there is a clear cost benefit in all of the local authority funded or commissioned immigration advice schemes that were examined in the report. It emphasises that it is far more costly to accommodate people who would be destitute than to pay for good quality legal advice, and leads to better community cohesion, better public health, and better economic outcomes.

Social Integration in Schools and Colleges Research Report May 2023

Author: Miles Hewstone, Department for Education

The Department for Education (DfE) commissioned this report to provide a resource on strategies that could help schools and teachers to promote social integration and community cohesion, simply defined as the development of positive relations between different social groups.

Key findings from Time Well Spent 2023 May 2023

Author: Time Well Spent

Time Well Spent data reveals how much volunteering has transformed over recent years. While there is much to be celebrated, it shows that there are still challenges equity, diversity and inclusion which all impact on social cohesion.

Addressing Community Tensions: Developing shared ground April 2023

Author: The Belong Network

This is a short paper which the Belong Network has drawn together from in-depth conversations with the Belong Local Government Network, and a workshop on this subject undertaken with Belong Network local authority members and partner organisations in their wider networks. The paper highlights effective approaches and examples of good practice which members of the Belong Network are currently using – or steps which they are considering taking – to identify and respond to signs of community tension, and to nurture local resilience.