Radical Kindness Week 2021 – Toolkit

A range of tools and resources are available to allow you to engage with Radical Kindness Week 2021.

Radical Kindness is a project funded by Spirit of 2012 celebrating acts of radical kindness inspired by the Covid-19 crisis.

Acts of radical kindness are those activities that intentionally seek to build bridges across differences, develop shared ground, and promote social connection between different groups and communities.


  • Kindness
  • Radical
  • Radical Kindness
  • Spirit of 2012

Template Press Release

May 2021

Author: Belong - The Cohesion and Integration Network

A press release template to use for Radical Kindness Week 2021.

MP Letter Template

May 2021

Author: Belong - The Cohesion and Integration Network

A template letter for reaching out to MPs in relation to Radical Kindness Week 2021.

Radical Kindness Week 2021 Social Media Guide

May 2021

Author: Belong - The Cohesion and Integration Network

A social media guide for Radical Kindness Week 2021.

The phrase 'Kindness is a Superpower' is painted onto a brick wall.

Radical Kindness 2021 Social Media Assets

May 2021

Author: Belong - The Cohesion and Integration Network

A collection of visual banners and imagery for use during Radical Kindness Week 2021.