The Belonging Toolkit

This toolkit is a highly interactive teaching resource for schools that are seeking to increase cohesion and inclusion and to raise awareness of the kinds of issues children from migrant backgrounds face.

The toolkit includes:

  • Lessons and assembly plans aimed at KS2 & KS3 (Eng) and P6-S3 (Sco) that explore the theme of belonging through interactive activities, including films that feature the voices of children and young people born both in and outside the UK
  • Activities that encourage empathy for others and respect for diversity
  • Activities linked to PSHE Association Learning Opportunities, as recommended by the DfE, and that meet Citizenship and British Values requirements in the curriculum

This toolkit has been piloted in Gloucestershire, London, Somerset, Essex and Yorkshire. Feedback includes:

“We are a nurturing school and do our best to make everyone feel welcome and valued. From an early age, children are encouraged to work together and consider the feelings of others. Coram gave us the chance to reinforce these values and helped us assess the children’s understanding of belonging and their part in making others feels welcome and valued.” – Vicki Aldous, teacher at Northgate Primary School

The Belonging Toolkit

August 2019

Author: The Young Citizens - Coram, Publisher: The Young Citizens - Coram

This toolkit is a highly interactive teaching resource for schools that are seeking to increase cohesion and inclusion and to raise awareness of the kinds of issues children from migrant backgrounds face.