The positive inclusion of refugee and migrant communities in and through football: A toolkit

Produced by Manchester Metropolitan University’s ‘Centre for the study of Football and its Communities’, this Toolkit provides an overview of good practice for using football to promote the inclusion of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers.

The Toolkit includes:

  • Guidelines for policy planning, strategic development, funding and evaluation of football schemes that promote inclusion
  • Examples of good practice from around the country
  • Advice on boosting the success of football programmes
  • Recommendations on the further development of good practice

The positive inclusion of refugee and migrant communities in and through football: A toolkit

October 2015

Author: Centre for the study of Football and its Communities, Publisher: Manchester Metropolitan University

Produced by Manchester Metropolitan University’s ‘Centre for the study of Football and its Communities’, this Toolkit provides an overview of good practice for using football to promote the inclusion of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers.