Voices in the Dark – Children on the Run
In this video, we hear from children who have been forcefully displaced, travelling unaccompanied, or becoming separated from their families, as they seek asylum abroad. An upsetting account that nonetheless reflects the realities of many of these children’s journeys. In 2017, 2,206 applications for asylum were made by Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker Children (UASC) in the UK.
Voices in the Dark – Children on the Run
December 2016
In this video, we hear from children who have been forcefully displaced, travelling unaccompanied, or becoming separated from their families, as they seek asylum abroad. An upsetting account that nonetheless reflects the realities of many of these children’s journeys. In 2017, 2,206 applications for asylum were made by Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker Children (UASC) in the UK.