Youth Voice Research: Covid-19 & Lockdown

From late April to early May, StreetGames conducted research with around 200 young people from across the StreetGames network comprised of participants, volunteers, young advisors and former volunteers. The research questions focused on giving young people a voice during the coronavirus pandemic, to learn the different ways the situation may be affecting them. This document looks to share the key findings from their feedback.
  • Lockdown

Youth Voice Research: Covid-19 & Lockdown

July 2020

Author: Street Games

From late April to early May, StreetGames conducted research with around 200 young people from across the StreetGames network comprised of participants, volunteers, young advisors and former volunteers. The research questions focused on giving young people a voice during the coronavirus pandemic, to learn the different ways the situation may be affecting them. This document looks to share the key findings from their feedback.