Heart & Parcel

Based in Manchester, Heart & Parcel brings women in communities together to make dumplings and develop their English language skills (ESOL). It was set up by Clare Courtney, a qualified ESOL teacher, and Karolina Koścień, in response to cuts to ESOL provisions.

Dumplings are a focus for Heart & Parcel’s work because they appear in almost every culture, although they differ in shape and filling. Heart and Parcel see the dumplings as representing the hidden resources and skills of women from migrant communities living in Britain.

Through the process of cooking and working together, conversations take place and Clare guides the women in their language learning, with the support of trained volunteers. The project is hugely empowering for the women involved, getting them out of the house to have fun, make friends and share experiences together. The organisation is committed to rigorous evaluation and you can read a number of their evaluation reports on their website.  Heart & Parcel partners with organisations such as Refugee Action, Boaz Trust, GMAIU and Medaille trust to deliver their work. The organisation is currently in the process of documenting its experiences and project successes through recipes, women’s stories, and photography for a cookbook, to be launched in June 2019.

Learn more about Heart & Parcel’s work, visit their website: https://heartparcel.wordpress.com